Spoonie on a Mission Facebook Group Image depicts the logo, along with the Facebook icon (the letter F in blue) and a button graphic at the bottom saying "Join Us".

From here, you may access the Facebook Group for Spoonie on a Mission!

What is it?

This is a gathering place for all of Spooniekind. This group is to be a place of hope, information, love, and support. It is also a forum for raising awareness. Chronic illness and pain are horrible things to live with. Sharing our experiences with one another could provide desperately-needed comfort and camaraderie. Pull up a cushy seat (or bed… or wheelchair…), grab a cuddly blanket, a hot water bottle/heating pad, and your pain meds (as needed), and join us!

What are the Rules?

To protect the privacy of our members, this is a private group. We do promise not to interrogate you too strongly when you request to join, however. 😉 The only BIG rules in the group are no random spamming, be respectful, and no hate speech. That’s all. It’s pretty simple, really! Let’s all just be respectful, inclusive, open-minded, and above all else – kind. This community has the potential to be a safe space for all of Spooniekind. Let’s make it a place we can all be proud of.


Feel free to introduce yourself to The Spoonie on a Mission Facebook Group and share what you feel comfortable sharing! What are some things might we share here? Glad you asked!

  • Ideas
  • Resources
  • Links to Spoonie-friendly products (no random spamming of unrelated things)
    FTC NOTICE: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If there are links from this site to Amazon products, I could possibly earn a small commission from sales.
  • Life hacks
  • Messages of hope and support.

We also have a general chat room available, and we may add more in the future as needed. I’m excited to see where this goes! Join us, won’t you?